Adding some more judges, here and there.
[and.git] / ICPC Live Archive / 3928 - Ballroom lights / help / / tpb / trains / main.cpp
1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <string>
3 #include <map>
4 #include <set>
5 #include <vector>
6 #include <list>
7 #include <cassert>
8 #include <cstdlib>
10 using namespace std;
12 #define forsn(i, s, n) for (int i = (s); i < (n); i++)
13 #define forn(i, n) forsn (i, 0, n)
14 #define forall(x, s) for (typeof((s).begin()) x = (s).begin(); x != (s).end(); x++)
15 #define dforall(x, s) for (typeof((s).rbegin()) x = (s).rbegin(); x != (s).rend(); x++)
17 typedef int Id; // station id
18 typedef int Time;
19 typedef pair<Id, Time> Nodo;
21 struct Edge {
22 Nodo dest;
23 Time cost;
25 typedef vector<Edge> Ady;
26 typedef map<Nodo, Ady> Grafo;
28 typedef map<string, pair<Id, set<Time> > > Stations;
30 // map<Nodo, Ady>::iterator
31 #define _nodo first
32 #define _ady second
34 // Stations::iterator
35 #define _info second
37 // pair<Id, set<Time> >
38 #define _id first
39 #define _timeset second
41 // Nodo
42 #define _time second
44 #define HOUR 60
45 #define DAY (24 * HOUR)
47 Id inline register_station(Stations& stations, const string& station_name, Time time) {
48 Stations::iterator it(stations.find(station_name));
49 if (it == stations.end()) {
50 // create
51 const Id a = stations.size();
52 set<Time> s;
53 s.insert(time);
54 stations[station_name] = pair<Id, set<Time> >(a, s);
55 return a;
56 } else {
57 pair<Id,set<Time> >& t = stations[station_name];
58 t._timeset.insert(time);
59 return t._id;
63 inline int time_in_minutes(string& s) {
64 // h:mm hh:mm hhh:mm ...
65 const int l = s.size();
66 assert(s[l - 3] == ':');
67 return atoi(s.substr(0, l - 3).c_str()) * HOUR + atoi(s.substr(l - 2, 2).c_str());
70 void print_graph(Grafo& g) {
71 forall (x, g) {
72 cout << "Hasta: " << x->_nodo._id << " a las " << (x->_nodo._time / 60) << ":" << (x->_nodo._time % 60) << endl;
73 forall (y, x->_ady) {
74 cout << " desde " << y->dest._id
75 << " a las " << (y->dest._time / 60) << ":" << (y->dest._time % 60)
76 << " costo: " << (y->cost / 60) << ":" << (y->cost % 60) << endl;
81 #define INF 0x7fffffff
83 inline void dijkstra(Stations& stations, Grafo& graph, const string& origen, const string& destino) {
84 const Id id_origen = stations[origen]._id;
85 const Id id_destino = stations[destino]._id;
87 set<pair<Time, Nodo> > cola;
88 map<Nodo, Time> distancia;
90 // inicializar distancias
91 forall (st, stations) {
92 Id station_id = st->_info._id;
93 forall (t, st->_info._timeset) {
94 Nodo v(station_id, *t);
95 if (station_id == id_destino) {
96 cola.insert(pair<Time,Nodo>(0, v));
97 distancia[v] = 0;
98 } else {
99 distancia[v] = INF;
103 while (!cola.empty()) {
104 // buscar el minimo
105 Time min_dist = cola.begin()->first;
107 // borrarlo de la cola
108 Nodo min_node = cola.begin()->second;
109 cola.erase(cola.begin());
111 // procesar min_node
112 forall (eje, graph[min_node]) {
113 const Time dist_nueva = min_dist + eje->cost;
114 const Time dist_actual = distancia[eje->dest];
115 if (dist_nueva < dist_actual) {
116 if (dist_actual != INF) {
117 cola.erase(cola.find(pair<Time,Nodo>(dist_actual, eje->dest)));
119 distancia[eje->dest] = dist_nueva;
120 cola.insert(pair<Time,Nodo>(dist_nueva, eje->dest));
125 list<pair<Time, Time> > salida;
126 Time min_hora_llega = INF;
127 forall (t, stations[origen]._timeset) {
128 Nodo v(id_origen, *t);
129 const Time hora_llega = *t + distancia[v] + DAY;
130 min_hora_llega = min(min_hora_llega, hora_llega);
132 dforall (t, stations[origen]._timeset) {
133 Nodo v(id_origen, *t);
134 const Time hora_sale = *t;
135 const Time hora_llega = *t + distancia[v];
136 if (hora_llega >= min_hora_llega) continue;
137 min_hora_llega = hora_llega;
138 salida.push_front(pair<Time, Time>(hora_sale, distancia[v]));
140 forall (res, salida) {
141 printf("%.2i:%.2i ", res->first / 60, res->first % 60);
142 printf("%i:%.2i\n", res->second / 60, res->second % 60);
146 #define add_edge(g, v1, v2, c) ((g)[(v1)].push_back((Edge){dest: (v2), cost: (c)}))
147 int main() {
148 int ncases;
149 cin >> ncases;
151 forn (c, ncases) {
152 Stations stations;
153 Grafo graph;
155 int num_trains;
156 cin >> num_trains;
158 // read trains and stations
159 forn (t, num_trains) {
160 int num_stations;
161 cin >> num_stations;
163 Nodo prev;
164 int time = 0;
165 forn (s, num_stations) {
166 string time_str, station_name;
167 cin >> time_str >> station_name;
169 const Time cost = time_in_minutes(time_str);
170 time = (time + cost) % DAY;
171 const Id station_id = register_station(stations, station_name, time);
173 const Nodo next(station_id, time);
174 if (s != 0) {
175 add_edge(graph, next, prev, cost);
177 prev = next;
181 // complete the graph with the self edges for each station
182 forall (station, stations) {
183 const Id id = station->_info._id;
184 const set<Time>& timeset = station->_info._timeset;
185 if (timeset.size() == 1) continue;
186 forall (t1, timeset) {
187 set<Time>::iterator t2 = t1;
188 t2++;
189 const Nodo v1(id, *t1);
190 const Nodo v2(id, t2 == timeset.end() ? *timeset.begin() : *t2);
191 Time cost = v2._time - v1._time;
192 if (cost < 0) cost += DAY;
193 add_edge(graph, v2, v1, cost);
197 string origen, destino;
198 cin >> origen >> destino;
200 dijkstra(stations, graph, origen, destino);
201 if (c != ncases - 1) {
202 cout << endl;
205 return 0;